Members of the Riot Squad (L to R) Markus Conroy, Eddie Garcia, and Josue Lopez stand by the throne they have readied for Victoria Beckham. The seat is one of many gifts offered up to the celebrity soccer wife by the Galaxy's fan club. (Michael Owen Baker / Staff photographer)
Victoria Beckham can pull up to the Home Depot Center in a chauffer-driven car to a VIP entrance constructed especially for her, so she can be whisked inside to the cool comfort of a private suite where she can sip wine and watch her husband play soccer, all without being bothered by the hoi polloi.

Or she can opt for the royal treatment.

Members of a Galaxy fan club called The Riot Squad have bought the Missus a season ticket, constructed a red velvet throne, roped it off and promise to supply enough muscle to keep ogling miscreants - or whatever it is they call the English media - at arm's length.

To members of the club, who may be short on posh, but not on spice, it seemed like the perfect way to welcome the Beckhams to their new home.

"This is the Riot Squad," said Jeff Skinner, a member of the club. "Why not be classy?"

When Mrs. Beckham briefly signed autographs and mingled with the crowd at her husband's presentation last week, one member of the Riot Squad, Eddie Garcia, extended a standing invitation to join them.

She looked up, a bit unsure, and said, "Okay," quickly continuing down the line.

If it came across as an indecent proposal, it probably was, judging


from the amount of beer, raucous chants and rowdy behavior that emanates from the 250 members of the Riot Squad who inhabit the southwest corner of the stadium.

It might also manage, they say, to do something quite unusual - put a smile on her face.

"By all means, sit up in the box and eat a prawn sandwich before the game," said Leora Saul, one of about a dozen women in the Riot Squad. "But then come down and be with the people."

Or, as Tommy Mack, who cooked up the scheme and put down the $480 for the season ticket that's in her name with its own account number, surmised: "What better way to see the Galaxy than with us? She'll have the time of her life."

It may have been done as a lark, purchasing the season ticket, upholstering the collapsible throne and dressing up as if they were answering a casting call for "Reservoir Dogs".

But it's not unlike the Riot Squad approaches just about everything in its following of the Galaxy - with a sense of humor, creativity and attention to detail that usually manages to be over the top without going over the line.

Their t-shirt, which is de rigueur on game days, is an image of a cop in a gas mask with the inscription Veni, Imbibi, Vici written below.

When Rangers came to play the Galaxy earlier this season, the Scottish club was taunted with chants of "You're just a suburb of England." When China arrived for a friendly game a couple years ago, it was greeted by cheers of "Great Wall, (Lousy) Team."

At the end of games, they leave a cup of beer for now-injured Galaxy defender Chris Albright, who dutifully stops by to take a few gulps on his way to the locker room. Each year, they hand out a player of the year award - the trophy being a beer keg that's engraved with the winner's name and usually kept around the locker room. Alexi Lalas, the inaugural winner who is now the team's president, showed it to visitors at his home.

"Those guys are the heartbeat of the stadium," said Galaxy midfielder Kyle Martino. "Sometimes when they get in unison, they put a smile on your face that you've got to chase away and get back to the game."

The Riot Squad has also found that it helps to have low friends in high places. Comedian Drew Carey sprang for 100 blow-up dolls that the Riot Squad dressed like Chivas girls for a game against their rivals.

It is the type of fandom that, with few exceptions, is absent from American sports other than college basketball. This type of organized involvement is what the Riot Squad - like other MLS fan clubs, such as Section 8 in Chicago and the Barra Brava in Washington D.C. - has tried to emulate from soccer clubs in Europe and South America.

Not that that doesn't require some explaining.

"Folks hear the name Riot Squad, see we wear black and think the worst," said Skinner, who has elaborate tattoos running down the lengths of both arms who is dressed in black boots, blue jeans and a black Riot Squad t-shirt. "But we're not a hooligan group.

Unfortunately, most times they show Italians rioting with police, Argentines climbing over fences onto the field. We fit in with most supporters around the world - that is, we're non-violent."

A small group of Riot Squad members spoke with a reporter last week after Beckham's introduction at the Home Depot Center. They included a film editor, a graphic designer, an accountant, a pastor, a college administrator and a what was described as a satellite engineer.

"Like at Cal Tech?" , Robert Bruce was asked.

At which point others started laughing.

"He's in the porn industry," said An Nguyen, an administrator at Chapman University.

"I'm not on the production side," Bruce explained.

"But I see it come through the door."

"Our demographics are all over the place," said Bob Ramsey, the pastor and also a biblical studies teacher from Glendora. "The perception of us is we clean out dive bars at 3 a.m. to find our members, but really we're from all over the place. We have people who work in entertainment, high school teachers and a shocking number of accountants, controllers and financial managers."

Ramsey joined in at the end of the Riot Squad's first season in 2002, the team's last at the Rose Bowl.

"I had watched from afar and then when the playoffs started, it was time to leave the kids and the minivan at home and get serious," he said. "The difference for me, and it's huge, is that you can be totally engaged in the game. When you're in the general crowd, people are there for all kinds of reasons and have all levels of engagement. Here you're standing with people who are totally involved in the game."

It's that level of engagement that the Riot Squad says it would be honored to offer, rather than give it away as they have each game. They'd also be willing to spring for tickets for the Beckhams' three children and remind Victoria that she'd be eligible for a 10 percent discount at the Galaxy's team store.

"And I promise we'll get her a Riot Squad tank top," Skinner said.

But, really, would she put aside TomKat to hang with hound dogs?

"At first, I thought she'd probably never come," Bruce said. "But after a few brief conversations, seeing her on Leno, she seems to have this oddball sense of humor. I think there's a chance. If she did, we'd make it a great time for her."